Dems Want to Erase “Sex Offender” Language to De-Stigmatize Sex Offenders


Washington Democrats are pushing a campaign to destigmatize sex offenders who need to be stigmatized to warn others about the danger they present. Democrats are even trying to release dangerous pedophiles into the community.

They want to change the term “sex offender” to “person-first language.”

Sad desperate young girl suffering

Person-first language emphasizes the person before the disability, for example “person who is blind” or “people with spinal cord injuries.” Identity-first language puts the disability first in the description, e.g., “disabled” or “autistic.” In other words, they are trying to define this criminal behavior as a disability.

“Democrats prioritized a new bill that demands “person-first” language to address how violent sex offenders are labeled. The intent is to stop defining a sex offender by his or her crime, so they can destigmatize them. It may not even be the most offensive piece of the legislation.

“Among the prescribed reforms, HB 2177 changes the name of the Sex Offender Policy Board (SOPB). If passed, it will now be called the Sex Offense Policy Board. It gives the dubious impression that the board reviews focus on sex offenses, and not the criminals who commit them. HB 2177 also adds a convicted sex offender to the SOPB, with proponents arguing the felon’s “lived experiences” are “invaluable.” It does not restrict the membership to level 1 sex offenders, those who are least likely to recommit a sex offense,” Rantz reports.

They want to normalize pedophilia. It’s not an illness. These pedos are deliberately committing a crime to satiate the perverted desires.

Read more at 770KTH, Jason Rantz.

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