Don’t Mess With Texas! DOJ Monitors Are Banned


Texas will NOT allow the Department of Justice to monitor its elections because it is against Texas law.

Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson banned them from polling places in no uncertain terms.

“Texans can be confident in the state’s strong measures to ensure election integrity,” Nelson wrote.

“Texas law is clear: Justice Department monitors are not permitted inside a polling place where ballots are being cast or a central counting station where ballots are being counted,” she stated emphatically.

Under the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA), the DOJ is authorized to deploy federal observers to monitor ballot-casting and -counting sites. However, the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Shelby County v. Holder found that a key provision of the VRA violates Article Four of the Constitution. Article Four guarantees each state’s right to self-government and enjoy equal sovereignty.

Section 61.001 of the Texas Election Code identifies individuals who may be legally present on Election Day. Inspectors acting on behalf of the federal government are not included in the enumerated list.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott quickly backed Nelson’s move.

Harris County Precinct 3 Commissioner told the Feds off at a presser. He said, “Stay in your lane,” adding, “You got the letter from the secretary of state. Read it.”

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