Don’t Say Kamala Is the Furthest Left Senator


Kamala Harris, the daughter of a Marxist economist, was the furthest-left Senator and would be the furthest-left president based on her record. Until recently, the media admitted she was the most progressive member of the Senate. They proudly touted her credentials from 2020 through this year. The media didn’t expect it to come back to haunt them, so they decided to gaslight us and say it had never happened.

Don’t Say Kamala Was the Furthest Left Senator

Norah O’Donnell interviewed Joe Biden’s far-left running mate on Sunday, October 25, 2020, and noted with a question mark at the end, “You’re very different than the policies you’ve supported in the past. You’re considered the most liberal [to the left of Bernie] United States senator.”

Her response was to say, “Somebody said that?” She blamed “Mike Pence on the debate stage” and followed up by laughing inappropriately.

O’Donnell smiled, “Well, actually, the non-partisan GovTrack has rated you as the most liberal senator.”

GovTrack recently retracted it, telling people to look at her record. If you do, you will see that she was the most left-leaning senator.

Kamala said she wanted to have “a conversation” about letting prisoners, including terrorists, vote in elections.  Another of her favorites is using tax dollars to fund the healthcare of illegal aliens.  Decriminalization of illegal alien entry into the country is one she favors. She prefers using government force to make Americans give up red meat or any meat.  Kamala leans toward the eradication of the fossil fuel industry. Kamala favors reparations without end, forever dividing us along racial lines. She wants to talk about altering the Electoral College and stacking the Court – so much for democracy. Her economic policies are a disaster.

It’s not just GovTrack. All fact-checkers who said she was the furthest left have taken it back in lockstep.

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