Dr. Ben Carson spoke with Tucker for nearly two hours about the state of affairs, describing the down-to-earth, kind Donald Trump he has known for ten years. They discussed the media turning an immensely unpopular leftist woman into a “godlike figure” and delved into the North Korean media landscape in the United States.
Carson said they have come for the United States because it makes it easier to move us to a one world government.
When asked if the tens of millions of people brought in would affect the vote, Dr. Carson said, “Of course it will. That’s the purpose of it.” They are not forced to show ID; in any case, they get counted in the census, which is then used to determine how many representatives they have. The legislatures will eventually pass profoundly favorable laws to foreigners, which will be the end. Dr. Carson thinks we are one or two elections away from that.
That is what happened to California and New York City.
We, the people, are the pawns being manipulated now. Carson referred to the 45 goals of communism taken from the 1958 book The Naked Communist by W. Cleon Skousen, a former FBI employee. The 45 goals were taken from that book and read into the Florida record.
“It was things like gaining control of the public school system and the teacher unions so that you can indoctrinate the kids, gaining control of the news media and Hollywood so that you can manipulate the opinions of people denigrating the role of the family, denigrating the role of the church, getting into the churches and changing the real gospel to the social gospel, making sexual perversion normal, natural, and healthy.
Kruschev called it:
“I mean, just right down the line, all the things and the things that are happening in our society right now. And we, the American people, are the pawns who are being manipulated. And it’s one of the reasons that Khrushchev was so confident when he talked to Eisenhower and said that your grandchildren’s children will live under our system. We won’t have to fight a war. Because we think we won the Cold War, but they had a much better plan on how to actually change us. And we’re falling for it.”
We must wake up.
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Carson noted that Marxism and communism are very anti-religion. He’s tried to get religious leaders involved.
“…part of the overall plan of Marxism and Marxism and communism is very anti-religion because they want it to be dependent on government. They don’t want you to be dependent on God. They want you to believe that they have the ultimate say in everything. So naturally, they’re going to be anti-religion and anti-God. And it’s sad to see. I mean, when you look at television, the way that they mock. Christians and Christianity.”
Marxists celebrate global citizenship, not US citizenship. We are losing ourselves. They are also against the traditional nuclear family. There is a real war on traditional families and children. We are de-populating and suppressing the birth rate.
DINKS is the new thing, Carson noted. Double income and no kids. The average birth rate is 1.6, and we need 2.1 just to maintain the population. People need to think beyond that into their later years and the nation’s future.
Consider what is the point of life?
He gives career advice as well.
“Everybody’s good at something. But, so often, people do things based on other people’s successes and not on their gifts and talents. For instance, when I started medical school, I did very poorly on the first set of comprehensive exams. So poorly, in fact, that my counselor told me to drop out of medical school.
“He said, you’re not cut out for medicine, and you’re just going to torment yourself and everybody else, and we’re going to help you get into another area. I was devastated; I only wanted to be a doctor since I was eight years old; I finally get to medical school, and the person who’s supposed to help me says, drop out. I immediately sought wisdom from God.
“And I started thinking, what kind of courses have you always done? What kind of courses have you stuck with? And I realized I did well in courses where I did a lot of reading. I struggled in courses where I listened to a lot of boring lectures. Yeah, because I didn’t get anything on the boring lectures …
He made a decision:
“So I made an executive decision to skip the boring lectures and spend that time reading. And the rest of medical school was a snap after that. And years later, when I was back at my medical school as the commencement speaker, I was looking for that counselor because I was going to tell him he wasn’t cut out to be a counselor.
“Because some people are just negative, negative, negative, and they can always figure out why you can’t do something, but they can’t figure out how you can do something. And we really need to be positive influences .. And that’s what I would tell that 25-year-old. First, find out what you’re good at and find out how you learn. Learn how you learn. And throw yourself into a career army.”
The interview kicked off with Tucker asking Dr. Carson what he thought of Kamala Harris.
“I think she believes in government, like most Marxists. Yes, I think she is a Marxist,” he said.
He also thinks “She can win this. This is going to be a great test of the power of the media, to take someone who formerly was universally disliked and transform them into a godlike figure. They will use everything that they have to try to do that. The question is, are the American people smart enough to see through it?
“And I actually think the American people are smarter than anybody gives them credit for.”
He wasn’t surprised by this transformation in the media.
“No, that didn’t surprise me at all because I’ve been watching the media for a number of years. And I see how they’re like a flock of birds. Have you ever noticed that a large flock of birds all turn at the same time? They all go, and you say, how in the world are they doing that? They almost have this cohesive communication, and they work together.
“I accused one of the media of that about a week ago. And they say, how can you say that about us? Then I started talking about how they use the same language within minutes, the time that something comes out. Just a coincidence that they use the same language and the same phrases they had, that meant that there probably was some degree of cooperative work going on there.”
He said they lost their original intent.
“The press is the only business that’s protected by the Constitution. And there was a reason for that. It’s because they were supposed to disseminate unbiased information to the people, so that the people could determine what their will was, because the country was supposed to be run on the will of the people.”
“…the press has, instead of deciding to disseminate unbiased information, they have decided to put their thumb on the scale and to push a certain agenda, which, when you think about it, makes little sense because the agenda that they’re pushing is more of a socialist Marxist agenda. Well, what the socialists and Marxists do when they get in power is they control the media. It’s almost the first thing that they do. Yes. So, they’re digging their own grave.
Tucker asked him how responsible the media is for Trump getting shot.
“There’s no question that they poisoned the atmosphere by saying, you know, he’s like Hitler, and he’s going to destroy democracy. And he is sort of Satan incarnate.
Carson said that people can be easily influenced when they aren’t in control of themselves. He said all sides of the arena do it and spend time demonizing other people. They think it helps, but “Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could actually discuss the issues?”
What happens if she is elected?
Dr. Carson said, “I think we would continue to move in a very leftist direction. I mean, she was the most radical left-wing member of the Senate. She was even to the left of Bernie Sanders. She was a co-sponsor of the Green New Energy, too. You know, she wants Medicaid for everybody. Mandatory? No private insurance. She was the one who basically didn’t want to punish people who were guilty of horrendous crimes and repeat offenders.
“And she wanted open borders and all the things that we see happening. You can put those on steroids. If she becomes the president, and I hope people will go back and look at her record. Don’t just listen to pleasant words that will be interspersed with ridiculous laughter, but go back and actually look at what she what she did and what she has said. And I think people will remember why she got no traction at all when she was running for president.
Tucker is struck by how little popular support she’s ever had, but according to the polls, she’s the frontrunner in the race. How did that happen in a representative democracy, he asks.
“Well, I mean, you talk about a threat to democracy when the votes of 14 million people are just tossed into the wastebasket, Carson said. “And a bunch of backroom politicians make decisions.”
How was Kamala Harris transformed from an embarrassing incompetent to the coolest, most inspirational leader in the world in a single day? Dr. Ben Carson on America’s North Korean media landscape.
(1:57) Kamala Harris
(11:29) Donald Trump
(26:12) Why the Black Community Loves… pic.twitter.com/fDJ13dZON7— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) July 25, 2024