Kamala: Eliminate Private Health Insurance, “Let’s Move On”


Even far-left NY Magazine said Kamala’s ever-changing positions on Medicare For All [Medicaid For All if we’re lucky] “make no sense.”

She wants to eliminate private health insurance for 200 million people, but don’t worry—she won’t raise taxes. She falsely claimed she would get that money from financial transactions, even though no country with Single Payer has ever implemented one without significant middle-class tax increases. To say nothing of what that would do to capitalism, savings, and investments.

There is no way to move almost all healthcare spending onto the government’s books without large broad-based tax increases.

At the same time, Kamala Harris claimed she will massively cut middle-class taxes. As NY Mag said in July 2019, it makes no sense and hasn’t from the beginning.

“Kamala Harris’s position on Medicare for All has never made much sense,” wrote author Eric Levitz.

Far-left Kamala said it would save us from the hassle of paperwork. “Let’s eliminate all that. Let’s move on.”

She also wants to give every foreigner who gets into the country free healthcare.


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