Dutch Farmers Protest the Great Reset



Dutch Farmers Protest the Great Reset

By Mark Schwendau

Last week some 40,000 farmers of the Netherlands’ agricultural area gathered to protest the government’s plan to slash emissions of damaging pollutants effectively destroying their livelihoods.  This move is seen by many as part of the New World Order’s “Great Reset” whereby climate change is used as an excuse to take power from the people to move them to tyrannical control for easier manipulation.  The Dutch farmers are having none of it!

Farmers came with their huge tractors, equipment, and even some livestock, to the parliament building and brought gridlock to the doorstep of the globalists. Prime Minister Mark Rutte said, “Farmers have the right to protest but not to break the law.”

Sounds like Prime Minister Justin Pierre James Trudeau in Canada a short while ago, right?

“Freedom of speech and the right to demonstrate are a vital part of our democratic society, and I will always defend them,” Rutte said. “But … it is not acceptable to create dangerous situations, it is not acceptable to intimidate officials, we will never accept that.”

The government is demanding cuts to emissions of pollutants, predominantly nitrogen oxide and ammonia, by 50% nationwide by 2030. The Dutch government there has called the proposal an “unavoidable transition” that aims to improve air, land, and water quality.  They have warned farmers to need to adapt or face the prospect of losing their businesses.  “The honest message … is that not all farmers can continue their business,” the government said in a statement this month as it unveiled emission reduction targets.

It seems to be the old “cow farts” argument revisited relative to climate change.

Farm livestock emits ammonia and methane in their urine and feces. The Netherlands government has called on farmers to use animal feed that contains less protein as a way of reducing emissions. The Netherlands is known for its intensive farming in small areas of the land which the government says compounds the problem.

Farmers are not the only ones the globalists are targeting. The government has also cut the national maximum speed limit on highways from 130 kilometers per hour (80 miles per hour) to 100 kmh (60 mph) as a way of reducing nitrogen oxide created by vehicle emissions.

Last Monday and into Tuesday, farmers took their protests to the crowded Netherlands highways, driving slowly along the roads or stopping altogether to snarl traffic. Some dumped hay bales as roadblocks while other groups demonstrated at local town and city halls as well as The Hague.

Farmers say they are being unfairly targeted as polluters while other industries, such as aviation, construction, and transport, also are contributing to emissions and have far less reaching rules allowing them to remain in operation. Farmers say their government is not giving them any future amid the proposed reforms.

The Dutch government is said to be planning a multibillion-dollar buyout of farmers who cooperate but Christianne van der Wal, minister of nature and nitrogen policy, has also left open the possibility that the government will expropriate land from farmers who do not comply.

These proposals come amid worldwide fertilizer and fuel shortages which spawned the protests.  Some farmers say the cost of supplies has more than tripled since last year.

In Sri Lanka, a ban on chemical fertilizers contributed to an economic crisis that destabilized the government there.

In 2019 lawmaker Tjeerd de Groot called for livestock numbers in the Netherlands to be cut by 50 percent triggering the first such demonstrations.  Both the Dutch farmers and Dutch people are not going to tolerate the loss of beef, pork, poultry, and dairy products from their diets.

Farm demonstrators have burned hay bales along roads, created gridlock with tractors, and spread animal manure to make their anger known.  Videos circulating on the Internet show protesters spraying manure on Dutch law enforcement officers.  Protesters have also targeted the homes of Dutch government officials, including Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Nitrogen Minister van der Wal.

It appears the Netherlands now joins both Australia and Canada as a testing ground for the New World Order’s “Great Reset” in attempting tyrannical rule over the general populace. The Netherlands is reported by the World Bank statistic as the world’s fifth-largest exporter of food, exceeded only by the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, and China.  Impressive for such a small area of land.

What is even more impressive is how awake the Dutch people are and how globalists in this country should be afraid, very afraid.  People of the world are waking up!

A video shows Dutch farmers dealing with law enforcement effectively with manure in this video:

“Dutch farmers give police manure shower during protests to response to the closure of farms”

Another video shows globalist infiltrators being found out in a protest and run out here:

“Globalist ‘secret police’ tried to infiltrate the Dutch farmer’s protest but got discovered!”

Another video shows farmers taking out their rage on mainstream media unloading huge logs to block the front door of their building here:

“Mainstream media companies hit by the Dutch farmers”

Dutch politicians, law enforcement, and news media are learning real fast that when you try to circumvent the will of the people and you are outnumbered, you face an uphill battle.  It is easy to imagine a time when these puppets will turn on their puppet masters.  The world is watching these Dutch heroes, and learning lessons!

As an interesting side note, in my last article, I wrote: “Why American News Today is Propaganda”

As you read both that previous article as well as this one, I leave you with three questions:

How much of the above did you learn from the mainstream media?

Do you think this story was worthy as news deserves more attention?

What other reason would the mainstream news media have for avoiding this story other than to stifle opposition to the “Great Reset”?


Copyright © 2022 by Mark S. Schwendau

Mark S. Schwendau is a retired technology professor who has always had a sideline in news editorial writing where his byline has been, “Bringing little known news to people who simply want to know the truth.”  He classifies himself as a Christian conservative who God cast to be a realist.  Mark is an award-winning educator who has published 7 books and numerous peer-reviewed trade journal articles some of which can be found on the Internet.  His father was a fireman/paramedic while his mother was a registered nurse.  He holds multiple degrees in technology education, industrial management, OSHA Safety, and Driver’s Education.  His personal website is www.IDrawIWrite.Tech.

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