The World Economic Forum is planning vaccinations for all, robotic changes to making to developed superhumans, and acceleration of Agenda 2030. At its foundation, there can be no god and you will own nothing. They will own everything, but not you. It is more than theory. It’s happening.
The members of the WEF are the elite, the billionaires, corporations, politicians, and other powerful leaders.
Interesting spin by WEF’s @amonck, citing Reuters “Fact Check” on 2016 WEF produced propaganda piece, including the infamous “You will own nothing and you’ll be happy” quote wasn’t a “stated goal”.
Unsure how that counters the many statements of Klaus Schwab on the Great Reset?
— Bree A Dail (@breeadail) December 23, 2021
World Economic Forum (WEF) ruler Klaus Schwab, author of The Great Reset, laid the groundwork for new vaccine mandates. He claimed to meet the new mental health crisis through vaccination.
“Nobody will be safe if not everybody is vaccinated,” he insists in this clip.
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It’s theory into practice despite the fact that the vaccines don’t do what they promised. They don’t stop people from getting the virus or spreading it.
“Nobody will be safe, if not everybody is vaccinated”
Klaus Schwab July 2022.— (@Bel_B30) July 5, 2022
They painted themselves as victims of conspiracies and targets of the anti-vaxxers in the next clip.
The so-called ‘anti-vaxxers‘ they reference is a term they deliberately distorted. most of the people who didn’t want the vaccine aren’t anti-vaxxers, they just didn’t feel comfortable having this vaccine injected into them. They’re not opposed to vaccines in general as anti-vaxxers are. The experts and media lied when they broadened the term.
In the next clip, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla and Schwab discuss vaccinations in the future. Bourla, unsurprisingly, says “we will need vaccination in the future,” but is concerned about compliance.
What is the theory behind this that makes sense? Vaccines won’t protect others and keep them safe.
To push the vaccine compliance, they said they need one shot a year or include it with the flu vaccine.
How many vaccinations do we need in the future: [ Klaus Schwab]
That’s a very good question: 《Albert Bourla 》
— Choice & Decision (@ThinkAnQuestion) July 4, 2022
He has predicted food shortages, pandemics, and supply chain problems.
Schwab predicts tremendous layoffs in November and sees a need for a Great Reset. We’ll see a lot of anger and we have to prepare for a more angry world. We must prepare by making certain everyone – who is left behind – gets decent healthcare.
Schwab wants it discussed with the WEF stakeholders to provide healthcare worldwide. Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) called for total power over all pandemics. They want WHO and Bill Gates involved.
"We need the help of WHO and Bill Gates organization as been fundamental for us" Albert Bourla
— Choice & Decision (@ThinkAnQuestion) July 4, 2022
They are now accelerating the 2030 agenda.
United Nations announces Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres have signed an agreement to ‘accelerate’ Agenda 2030
— Alex Arnhem (@alex_arnhem) July 4, 2022
Accept there will be some short-term pain to get us to the long term.
“That pain is actually worth it” Kjerstin Braathen
— Choice & Decision (@ThinkAnQuestion) June 22, 2022
Jagadish “Jaggi” Vasudev, known by the honorific title Sadhguru, is an Indian yoga guru and proponent of spirituality. He has been teaching yoga in southern India since 1982. In 1992 he established the Isha Foundation near Coimbatore, which operates an ashram and yoga centre that carry out educational activities.
He is a WEF and UN contributor and speaker. He wants de-population.
“In three months they got bought over by the Chinese” Sadhguru
— Choice & Decision (@ThinkAnQuestion) June 22, 2022
The theories are alarming to many.
Dr. Yuval Noah Harari is a thought leader of the WEF. We have posted longer clips about him on this site. Harari says humans are hackable.In the clip below, he claims that “evolution by intelligent design” will replace “natural evolution.” It won’t be “by some god behind the clouds,” but by Klaus clouds and Microsoft clouds.”
If you aren’t already listened to what Klaus Schwab top advisor, Yuval Noah Harari said in 2020 then you need to listen.
It’s important
— Choice & Decision (@ThinkAnQuestion) June 5, 2022
One day, you won’t know what’s natural and what isn’t.
“What the 4th Industrial Revolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, our digital, and our biological identities…” -Klaus Schwab, The Emperor with no Clothes
— Liz Churchill🇨🇦 (@liz_churchill_) June 28, 2022
Artificial intelligence will one day take over and do things better than useless people who have absolutely “no economic value.”
“Useless people” Yuval Noah Harari
— Choice & Decision (@ThinkAnQuestion) June 5, 2022
“We need to monitor what’s happening under the skin…” He wants surveillance under the skin. And, by the way, you don’t have a soul.
— Choice & Decision (@ThinkAnQuestion) June 6, 2022
The WEF appears to want control and money. Climate change is the vehicle.
— Choice & Decision (@ThinkAnQuestion) June 22, 2022
To lighten things up:
Joe Rogan does HILARIOUS impression of Klaus Schwab from World Economic Forum— leaves Gina Carano in TEARS laughing 🤣
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 5, 2022
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