Elizabeth Warren’s Resolution to erase Democrats from history passed


Senator Elizabeth Warren, who is currently interviewing to become Joe Biden’s running mate, put out a resolution to rename all military bases and other government property named after confederates. Tucker Carlson says it includes desecrating the graves of confederate soldiers.

The Confederates and the Union soldiers were buried side-by-side in at least one cemetery to represent the fact that we are now all Americans once again. We strongly oppose the desecration of graves.

We don’t know how accurate Tucker’s take is, but the Resolution is supported by some or all Republicans on the Armed Services Committee. But keep in mind that these are Democrats they’re erasing from history.

Slavery, Confederates, Jim Crow, segregation, KKK, Governor Wallace, are all Democrats. You couldn’t be in the KKK unless you were a Democrat. It’s clear why they want to erase that history.



As Burgess Owens said when he testified before Congress in June 2019:

“I used to be a Democrat until I did my history and found out the misery that that party brought to my race,” Owens said. “I do believe in restitution. Let’s point to the party that was part of slavery, KKK, Jim Crow, that has killed over 40 percent of our black babies, 20 million of them.”

“State of California, 75 percent of our black boys cannot pass standard reading and writing tests: a Democratic state,” Owens continued. “So yes, let’s pay restitution. How about a Democratic Party pay for all the misery brought to my race and those — after we learn our history — who decide to stay there, they should pay also. They are complicit. And every white American, Republican or Democrat, that feels guilty because of your white skin, you should need to pony up also. That way we can get past this reparation and recognize that this country has given us greatness.”

“Look at this panel. Doesn’t matter how we think. Doesn’t matter our color. We have become successful in this country like no other because of this great opportunity to live the American dream,” Owens added. “Let’s not steal that from our kids by telling them they can’t do it.”


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