Elon Musk Takes on virtue Signaler Scott Kelly


Former astronaut and current US Senator Mark Kelly is far left, as is his brother, former astronaut Scott Kelly. Like most Woke people, Scott Kelly likes to virtue signal and tried it on Elon Musk, who had none of it.

Along with the Biden regime, Scott Kelly favors ramping up the war. He wants Mr. Musk to ramp up satellite functionality for Joe Biden to escalate the war in Ukraine.

Musk answered, “You’re smart enough not to swallow media & other propaganda BS. Starlink is the communication backbone of Ukraine, especially at the front lines, where almost all other Internet connectivity has been destroyed.  But we will not enable escalation conflict that may lead to WW3.”

We now have the added problem of the US possibly blowing up Nord Stream. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Seymour Hersh makes a convincing case that the US blew up Nord Stream with Norway’s help. He didn’t present original source material, but it’s a lot more convincing than the tale Biden told about Russia blowing up their own pipelines.


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