Roseanne Barr Comes Back with a Vengeance!


Roseanne Barr Comes Back with a Vengeance!


By Mark Schwendau


Comedic icon Roseanne Barr returns to the stage for one night only on Fox Nation streaming television service, with no subject off limits. ABC canceled Barr’s original situation comedy television show in May 2018 within hours after she tweeted what some saw as a racist remark about Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett. Her tweet referenced former Barack Obama aide Valerie Jarrett as the offspring of the “Muslim Brotherhood & Planet of the Apes.”

Roseanne tweet

Barr apologized to Jarrett on Twitter the morning after and announced she would be leaving the social media platform Twitter but shortly after that, ABC consulting producer Wanda Sykes tweeted Barr would not be returning to the show. At that time, ABC president Channing Dungey condemned Barr’s tweets and news of the network’s decision to cancel the show. Dungey resigned from her position shortly after that.

The Rosanne show had just previously been renewed for another season, and that revival finished its first season as the number one scripted primetime television show in the 18-49 age range. Roseanne was written off the show so that it could continue, and she has to this day. In the premiere of “The Conners,” the spin-off show from “Roseanne,” her absence was explained as her character has died from an opioid overdose. Many fans were disgusted and left the viewing audience of that show after that.  I was one of them.

Roseanne made several appearances on Fox News shows, such as Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, last week to offer her side of things from her point of view as a comedienne, “I feel like I have apologized and explained and asked for forgiveness and made recompense, that’s part of my religion.”

“The legendary Roseanne Barr returns to the stage in Fox Nation special”

Roseanne Barr is determined not to be silenced anymore, pledging, “I’m going to get them all tonight.”

The legendary actress and comedienne is coming back against the cancel culture with a vengeance with her return to stand-up. She has promised to cancel the cancel culture bringing fans a routine that’s bolder and more offensive than ever before. In her Fox Nation special she says, “I guess something’s in me. I just cannot let a–holes win. I’m not going to.” In one teaser released by Fox Nation, the 70-year-old Barr looks out over her live “Cancel This!” audience and asks, “Where are my peeps that are going to get really offended if I do not offend everybody?”

Barr has claimed for years her Tweet was not about racism but insisted it was more about politics.

In 2018 Barr faced an onslaught of backlash over her tweet. Barr is telling her side of events now, “I was so sad, and I’m so sad that anyone thinks that of me. I never meant to hurt anybody or say anything negative about an entire race of people.”

Multiple issues hurt Barr at that time, and now she is fired up. “I got fired because I racially misgendered somebody I thought was a white woman,” she jokes during her special.

On Friday’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Fox News, Barr ripped the cancel culture woke mob not just for dampening her voice but for refusing to accept her apologies or allow her time to answer for what she had done. All along, Barr has defended herself, saying she did not know Valerie Jarrett was black.

Given a podium now with Fox, Barr now explains, “I was not allowed to even apologize for what happened. I was just, like, blackballed and just totally canceled from even commenting on what happened, so I thought, ‘Well, stand-up is a great place to come back and say what happened and tell the truth about it and also talk about cancel culture itself and how horrible it is and how fascist…”

She credits Fox Nation for giving her a public forum now, “They came to my defense…I thought about it, and I was like, ‘Yeah, I need to have my say,'” she said. Barr is not small-minded or selfish; she makes people think as she explains other comedians have fallen victim to cancel culture and are trying to tread the rough waters of today’s social climate.

“[They] have no livelihood unless they are ridiculously sucking up to what the left considers to be [acceptable],” she said. “The left has no humor at all. They have no sense of humor at all, let’s be real,” Barr explained.


Whether you like Roseanne Barr or not or Fox News or not, when you think logically and intelligently about the two coming together, this is pure marketing and business genius! The Greg Gutfeld Show is now the top-rated king of late-night comedy, and as such, Gutfeld was the only comedian to have a Super Bowl commercial yesterday.

“Super Bowl Commercial | Gutfeld: The New King of Late Night”

The ad shows Gutfeld in royal regalia, sitting on a throne and holding a staff, flanked by regular guests Tyrus and Kat Timpf, as well as his new tiny dog, Gus. A tagline of the ad declares him, “The new king of late night.”

While it is not known what Fox News paid for the Gutfeld commercial spot, it is common knowledge that a 30-second spot this year cost around 7 million dollars. The 11-second commercial makes a nod to the fact Super Bowl 2023 ad time was expensive this year, as a crown-wearing Gutfeld says, “Hello America!” when an off-screen narrator cuts him off, telling him, “Sorry, these ads are pricey.”

Just like the changing momentum in the second half of a football game, Fox News and Fox Nation are now seeing a change in momentum, and I got a gut feeling Gutfeld and Barr are just the start of it. Two qualities of the silent majority of conservative Americans are they like to think and laugh (especially at liberals), and Fox is now tapping into that audience!  Well done!

Copyright © 2022 by Mark S. Schwendau


Mark S. Schwendau is a retired technology professor who has always had a sideline in news-editorial writing where his byline has been, “Bringing little known news to people who simply want to know the truth.”  He classifies himself as a Christian conservative who God cast to be a realist.  Mark is an award-winning educator who has published seven books and numerous peer-reviewed trade journal articles, some of which can be found online.  His father was a fireman/paramedic, while his mother was a registered nurse.  He holds multiple degrees in technology education, industrial management, OSHA Safety, and Driver’s Education.  His website is www.IDrawIWrite.Tech.

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