EU Is Too White and Has Too Much Europeanness?


The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) published a report titled Welcome to Barbieland: European Sentiment in the Year of Wars and Elections. 

They noted that people are “visibly disillusioned with the European project.” Instead of looking at the de-industrialization and energy shortage they caused, they decided the MEPs were “too white.”

They called Europe Barbieland. I wonder what dimwit thought that up.

The EUFR is worried about the “voiceless” massive numbers of immigrants. The “whiteness” served to leave Muslims and other individuals with migrant backgrounds feeling “alienated.”

If you don’t agree, you’re far-right and xenophobic.

“Far-right parties appeared to be on the rise in almost every member state, usually issuing promises to stop immigration or even planning (as the Alternative for Germany, or AfD, did) to expel large swathes of the population,” it claimed.

The EUFR is composed of self-hating white people who are afraid their children will become xenophobic.

The suicidal authoritarians of the EU want to put massive numbers of immigrants who don’t want to assimilate and know nothing of the history, culture, or values of the populace into political positions – positions of power.

This won’t end well.

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