Warmongering, censorship-crazed Ursula von der Leyen is back in office in Europe as president of the EU Commission. All her policies are GREEN, yet she is a member of the German conservative party, the GSU. People are fooled because the media lies and claims she is conservative.
That happens in the US, also. We have Republicans who mostly vote with Democrats. They come into office never fulfilling their campaign promises because that is not who they are. To win an election, some will say anything.
Von der Leyen has never won an election.
The same thing just happened in the United States. The backroom politicians selected and installed Kamala Harris with Barack Obama in charge of the selection committee.
Christian Gold Company Defies Industry’s Retirement Fearmongering Through Prayer and Biblical Hope
People like LePen in France are characterized as far-right, but she is not. LePen is a common sense leader of a common sense party.
“When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”
~Thomas Jefferson
Mr. Schoellhammer says the Europeans and Americans believe we must atone for the past by destroying who we are. Anyone disagreeing is characterized as far-right. The real problem is that they have become extremely far-left.
Politicians on the Left force us to play on their terms, such as with gender ideology. You hear Republicans calling for more candidates by race or gender.
Donald Trump came up. Mr. Schoellhammer said it is a form of decadence to claim that someone who never put in an honest day’s work is a better person to run a country than a man with a record of achievements.
Very interesting analysis by Ralph Schoellhammer of “Hammer Time:”