You are fanning the flames for violence in the city you’ve already destroyed. You’re a disgusting human being.
~ Greg Gutfeld to Communist Mayor Bill de Blasio
A jury in Kenosha, Wisconsin found Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty on all counts Friday. Rep. Jerry Nadler has already directed the Department of Justice to look for federal crimes. Democrats will not accept any legal decision they don’t like, and they have no use for the Constitution and law enforcement unless they want to use it for their own purposes.
With this as a background, Communist New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio says, “We can’t let this go.” Sandinista Bill called the verdict “disgusting.”
“This verdict is disgusting and it sends a horrible message to this country. Where is the justice in this? We can’t let this go. We need stronger laws to stop violent extremism from within our own nation. Now is the time,” posted de Blasio, nee Warren Wilhelm, on Twitter.
De Blasio’s vision of what justice is must be quite warped.
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He is calling Joseph Rosenbaum, the child rapist and arsonist, and Anthony Huber, another violent criminal — victims. These men attacked Kyle Rittenhouse. De Blasio, née Warren Wilhelm, deeply regrets the fact that they aren’t alive.
De Blasio obviously doesn’t believe in the right to self-defense as he tweets, The far-right trolls who think it makes a difference whether a violent gunman got his weapon before or after he crossed state lines are missing the point: two people are dead and their killer is left unaccountable. That’s not justice and they know it.
Kyle was attacked by the three men and he defended himself, period.
This verdict is disgusting and it sends a horrible message to this country.
Where is the justice in this?
We can’t let this go. We need stronger laws to stop violent extremism from within our own nation.
Now is the time.
— Mayor Bill de Blasio (@NYCMayor) November 19, 2021
Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum are victims. They should be alive today.
The only reason they’re not is because a violent, dangerous man chose to take a gun across state lines and start shooting people.
To call this a miscarriage of justice is an understatement.
— Mayor Bill de Blasio (@NYCMayor) November 19, 2021
It’s not just disgusting Bill, the blue check libs are flipping mad. Keep in mind that Twitter isn’t the real world. They want you to think it is and that everyone thinks like this, but it’s not true. Most Americans either don’t know this is being said or are repulsed by these truly deranged people.
Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson implies there will be more deadly incidents like this, saying the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict was “a vindication of vigilanteism” and driving “across state lines carrying a military-style assault weapon” to threaten people
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) November 19, 2021
Kyle Rittenhouse can burn in the deepest, darkest, most painful pits of hell.
This is not justice.
— Three Slimes in a Trenchcoat (@ExandShadow) November 19, 2021
I don’t have anything clever to say in light of the Rittenhouse verdict. The system is designed to protect whiteness at all costs. And that’s exactly what it did today.
— Jessica Mason Pieklo (@Hegemommy) November 19, 2021
it’s lucky for Kyle Rittenhouse that he was just a bloodthirsty white teenager crossing state lines to literally commit murder, and not, for example, a black man selling loose cigarettes on a street corner, because there are serious consequences for that
— Jeff Tiedrich (@itsJeffTiedrich) November 19, 2021
Disgusting. An absolutely broken system.
— Tamoor Hussain (@tamoorh) November 19, 2021
Shame on you. This tweet is disgusting. And pathetic. And purposely divisive. And it makes clear that you are unfit to hold office. And I will do everything I can do to make sure you lose in 2022.
— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) November 19, 2021
Disgusting, disgusting verdict. Words fail.
— Mike Flanagan (@flanaganfilm) November 19, 2021
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