Facts About Abortion


Kamala Harris lied to Americans about abortions not taking place in their ninth month when the baby is undeniably a baby. She lied about murdering a baby. The moderator didn’t even fact-check this important information. The problem is ABC lied, and most Democrats are lying about it. Choose as you will, but know the truth.

“Late-term” abortion is often referred to as abortions conducted after 22 weeks of gestation, the age at which a baby could survive outside of the womb with care but is denied that care and killed.

There are approximately 4,000 per year.

Planned Parenthood defines late-term abortion differently:

Planned Parenthood @PPFA·
May 28, 2023
A pregnancy is “full term” at 39-40 weeks, and “late term” at 41 weeks. Anti-abortion groups use “late-term ” to describe abortions at 15 or 20 weeks because they’re all about scaring, shaming, and lying to people.

What they say legally on this link. Courts don’t want to touch it.

According to research by the Guttmacher Institute, a think tank focused on advancing reproductive rightsKFF, a health policy nonprofit, as of 2024, nine states—plus the District of Columbia—currently place no gestational limits on abortion: Alaska, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, and Vermont.

You can add New York to that list.

Kamala’s Evil Lie

This young woman is a member of Students for Life:

This doctor explains you don’t need to kill a fully-developed baby in the womb to save a mother’s life. It is never medically necessary:

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