Far-Left Dem Candidate Puts Out Uncensored “F*** the NRA” Ad


Pat Davis, a far-left candidate in New Mexico’s 1st district, ran an uncensored and disgusting ad aimed at the NRA.

Davis, who hopes to ban all semi-automatic weapons if he is elected, begins his ad by saying, “F*** the NRA,” before falsely blaming the gun rights organization for being responsible for “dead children, dead mothers, and dead fathers.”

“If Congress won’t change our gun laws, we’re changing Congress,” David concluded.

It was allowed to air uncensored. How low will we go before civility returns?

The ad was broadcast on KRQE-TV in Albuquerque, where General Manager Bill Anderson said the station was not permitted by law to censor or edit Davis’ commercial and must provide equal access to candidates. The station ran a brief warning about profanity immediately before the ad.

Sadly, Davis says it led to an uptick in contributions:

He told The Associated Press in a telephone interview that the ad seeks to reflect the frustration he has encountered from voters and others over inaction on gun control. “People are more frustrated than common decency allows,” he said, conceding that he opted for indecency to get his point across.

He said the reaction nationally to the ad has been swift, and that his campaign has seen an uptick in contributions from donors around the country since it aired. “People around the country are mad,” about gun violence, he said.

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