Federal Court Permanently Bans Biden’s Transgender Surgery Mandate


A Federal Court in North Dakota has permanently banned Joe Biden’s transgender surgery mandate. The mandate requires doctors and hospitals to perform “gender transition” surgeries and procedures against their conscience.

The decision will likely go to the Supreme Court upon appeal.

The groups wanting to opt out of being forced to perform gender transition surgery include the Religious Sisters of Mercy; Sacred Heart Mercy Health Care Center, (Alma, MI); SMP Health System; University of Mary; Catholic Benefits Association; Diocese of Fargo; Catholic Charities of North Dakota; Catholic Medical Association and the State of North Dakota, which sued the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

The hospitals’ case is based on religious freedom.

Obamacare claims its discrimination not to do it. Just to show you the level of coruption and hypocrisy, all insurance companies would have to pay for these surgeries, even on children. If they don’t pay, they face severe penalties and legal action. You know who doesn’t have to pay? Government insurance, Medicare and Medicaid don’t have to pay.

Even if the doctor believe the surgery will harm the patient, the doctor must perform the surgery.

Must Read Alaska reports:

Research shows these so-called “gender reassignment” surgeries have serious consequences, including heart conditions,  increased cancer risk, and loss of bone density. Other studies of children with gender dysphoria show that the vast majority of children with gender dysphoria outgrow their condition. The federal government’s panel of medical experts  concluded  these therapies can be harmful and advised against requiring coverage of them under Medicare and Medicaid.

James Esses of Thoughtful Therapists said:

“Gender dysphoria is a mental health condition and should be treated as such – through explorative therapy, rather than irreversible medication and surgery. Far too many children have been left with physical and emotional scars from decisions we should never have let them make.”

The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals decision in Sisters of Mercy v. Becerra is the second circuit court to block the federal mandate. It survived lawsuits under Barack Obama.

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