Flynn’s ‘fruitcake’ judge files his ‘hot mess’ response


I’m not a lawyer but Judge Sullivan’s response to General Flynn’s Writ of Mandamus sounds a bit unhinged with him obsessing about Flynn lying to him after he threatened him with treason (read below)

To catch you up in case you have forgotten.  The Department of Justice said the Flynn case is unwinnable and they dropped it. Normally, the judge would go along, but Judge Emmet Sullivan didn’t. He wants to charge him with contempt and hired an anti-Flynn attorney to argue against Flynn before him. Consequent to that, Flynn’s attorneys filed a Writ of Mandamus. The three judges responded to the Writ by telling Judge Sullivan to submit his reasoning for his decision by June 1. Sullivan did and it’s not what they asked for.

His reasoning in the Writ is just to let me do it. Sullivan wants an inquiry because he said Flynn lied in his plea — saying he lied when he didn’t lie. That was after Sullivan suggested he was a traitor.

The Circuit Court wanted him to defend his actions, but Sullivan didn’t respond to the question asked. He simply explains what he wants to do. It’s pretty arrogant and dismissive of the panel of judges. They might not like this response.

This is the response by his attorney Sidney Powell:

We didn’t have a lawyer handy so we went to attorney Undercover Huber and his responses were on the thread reader app.


“Judge Sullivan’s” response to the writ of mandamus is such an embarrassment, it’s no wonder he didn’t write it or even sign it (his new lawyer Beth Wilkinson did)


This one paragraph alone is enough to disqualify it, Huber writes. Flynn did not plead to the crime of “false statements” for his “work for Turkey” and the Flynn statement of the offense didn’t state all of the elements of that offense (intent!), as even Brandon Van Grack later admitted

Deliberately obfuscates the difference between amici being allowed in criminal cases and civil cases.

A Judge isn’t supposed to “pursue the other side” when both the prosecution and defense are in agreement to dismiss a case. That’s kind of the point

“The District Court has not actually decided anything” – yes, and that’s the problem

This is false. Sullivan’s hearing did not reach a detailed finding of “materiality” in Flynn’s false statements to the FBI. Sullivan talked about wanting the government to brief him on the details, the hearing was postponed, it never happened @McAdooGordon

That’s not “notable”, it’s right there in the law

Repeats MSNBC conspiracy theories. The DOJ can sign a motion to dismiss with whoever they want, there is no requirement it be a “line attorney”

Incredible. Sullivan’s attorney represents that Sullivan wants to discuss Flynn’s declaration of innocence in open court. Except he filed that in Jan 29, Sullivan ignored it, and proceeded with sentencing – as the brief itself admits!

Nobody asked for a Judicial reassignment until now because you hadn’t been acting like a complete fruitcake, your honor

Flynn faces no real “harm” because he’s not in prison so what’s a few more months of delay and legal bills while Judge Sullivan embarks on a fishing expedition waiting for a Biden administration and DOJ? Unbelievable.

It goes on and on like this while avoiding the core issue at hand. Rule 48 and Fokker require him to dismiss the case. He can investigate it all he likes, that’s never going to change

Strong chance of a writ of mandamus being issued for Flynn 2-1 after this hot garbage


Sullivan Response by Techno Fog on Scribd

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