Food Skyrockets Under Bidenflation as Politicians Spend Wildly


While food and fuel become unaffordable, our fearless leaders are planning to spend billions on Ukraine, COVID – which is no longer a pandemic, illegal aliens, and endless

spending bills filled with pork and welfare. Mothers can’t even get baby formula while the Biden regime sends it to people pouring in illegally.


We don’t have any money. We spend trillions more than we bring in and our debt is over $30 trillion.

Food prices were 9.4% higher in April 2022 than in April 2021 — the largest annual increase in 41 years, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Wednesday. Grocery prices jumped 10.8% for the year.

A number of events affected the prices, but mostly President Brandon can take credit.

  • Egg prices spiked 22.6% over the 12 months ending in April due to Avian Flu.
  • Bacon cost 17.7% more.
  • Chicken prices were up by 16.4%.
  • Butter and margarine together jumped 19.2%
  • Milk prices went up 14.7%,
  • Fresh whole milk jumped 15.5%.
  • Flour prices surged by 14%
  • Coffee went up by 13.5%.
  • Citrus shot up 18.6%
  • Lettuce rose 12.7%
  • Canned fruits and veggies increased 10.4%.
  • At restaurants, menu prices grew 7.2% for the year

To all the 81 million who voted for the mentally challenged Joe Biden, please don’t do it again.

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