Fox reporter caught on hot mic talking about virus hoax


Fox News reporter John Roberts walked into the press briefing room and told a technician to take off his mask because according to a recent California study, the mortality rate for the Coronavirus is only 0.1% to 0.3%.

“Everyone here’s been vaccinated anyway,” the technician said.

“USC and LA public county health came out with a study that found that there’re 7,000 cases in Southern California but they really believe that there are between 221,000 – to 441,000 people who are infected,” John Roberts said to the technician.

The technician was surprised: “So it was a hoax?”

“No, I don’t believe it was a hoax,” Roberts said.

Roberts was joking about taking off the mask.

Roberts had asked Dr. Birx about this California study during the press briefing and she evaded the questions.


In the first large-scale study of adults tested for COVID-19 antibodies in their blood, initial results show researchers found that 4.1% have the antibodies, an indication that they have already been exposed to the virus.

The data indicate that there are between 50 to 80-fold more infections than confirmed cases.

“Our findings suggest that there is somewhere between 50- and 80-fold more infections in our county than what’s known by the number of cases than are reported by our department of public health,” Dr. Eran Bendavid, the associate professor of medicine at Stanford University who led the study, said in an interview with ABC News’ Diane Sawyer.

That is a huge development. It gives us a much larger denominator and it means the illness is serious but nowhere as serious as portrayed.

We don’t believe it was a hoax, but continuing the lockdown is criminal.


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