Gates Invests Heavily in Digital ID System – Social Credit Ready


It seemed like yesterday when people were suing Facebook, now META, for invasion of privacy. Now, we have the advent of government digital IDs that can not only invade individual privacy in a more far-reaching way but can be used to track and control everyone.

The government wouldn’t abuse them, would they?

This month, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) said it would invest $200 million in digital ID projects as part of a $1.27 billion commitment to global health and development. It mirrors the Marxist UN’s 16.9 sustainable development goals.

Everything Bill and Melinda are involved in is globalist and controlling.

Michael Rectenwald, the author of Google Archipelago, told The Defender:

“Of all the other means of identifying and tracking subjects, digital identity poses perhaps the gravest technological threat to individual liberty yet conceived.

“It has the potential to trace, track and surveil subjects and to compile a complete record of all activity, from cradle to the grave.”


“Digital identity will serve as a means of coercion and enforced compliance with the outrageous demands of a vaccine regime that will have no end.

“It is no wonder that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is funding this invasive, rights-abrogating technology, given Gates’ investments, both financially and ideologically, in coercive neo-Malthusian and arguably eugenics-friendly methods.”

We know how they treated the vaccines and the passport regime they attempted to set up and will set up once again. They won’t care if the vaccines are causing heart attacks or Bell’s Palsy, or cancer. They didn’t the first time – nothing will change. It will only get worse. Power is very corrupting.


The worst aspect is its use in social credit systems.

In China, state-issued smart cards record and analyze a person’s entire relationship with the government by tracking every transaction an individual has with the state. This is used to build the person’s social credit. This model is also referred to as “a single source of truth.” A recent investigation revealed that Venezuela’s new smart card (carnet de la Patria, or ‘fatherland card’) was inspired by the Chinese model.

Currently, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System initiated a pilot program with six banks to monitor ESG (environment, social, and governance). It mirrors the Chinese Communist model.

In 2020, the Australian government announced that the development of its digital ID system would be the focus of its tech budget package of $800 million. We know how they treat their citizens.


Countries accustomed to totalitarianism have already bought into it. That includes Ukraine.

Estonia has used it for years, and Kenya is integrating state and private ID databases. What could go wrong?

India is creating the world’s largest identification registry, Aadhar, that targets identifying previously unidentified populations. They claim it increases security. That’s hard to believe, so we know digital IDs are very hackable.


The number of users joining digital ID is growing. According to a Juniper Research report, this number will increase by more than 50% over the next few years, from 4.2 billion in 2022 to 6.5 billion in 2026. According to Forbes, it will make government involvement necessary.

Recent research by Global Government Forum interviewed seven senior national figures to find out what digital leaders need to succeed.

The 11 principles call for digital ID infrastructure to be open; transparent; reusable; user-centric; inclusive and accessible; multilingual; secure and private; technologically neutral and compatible with data portability; administratively simple; able to preserve information; and effective and efficient.

Prepare for vaccine passports.

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