Gates & WEF Teamed Up Weeks Before 1st Reported COVID Case


“The Gates Foundation and The World Economic Forum, among others, joined forces for the October 18, 2019 event — which occurred just weeks before the first reported coronavirus case in Wuhan — much earlier than previously understood.”

Jordan Schachtel found that the coronavirus simulation, Event 201, occurred weeks before the first reported coronavirus case.

That’s not suspicious at all.

On January 23, 2019, Tom Inglesby, the director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, became the first person to publicly announce the formation of Event 201.

The theme for the Davos event that year was “Globalization 4.0: Shaping A Global Architecture in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

The first person to tweet about the event was Ron Klain, Biden’s brain and chief of staff.

Schachtel writes:

Why is Davos significant?

The World Economic Forum has become the go-to narrative and ideas shop for the global ruling class, weaponizing campaigns for their ideological agenda that are now advanced by the world’s most powerful individuals and organizations through slogans and movements such as “The Great Reset” and “Build Back Better,” among others. The WEF and its backers seek to impose an extremely authoritarian agenda upon humanity under the guise of healing the planet from climate change. WEF founder Klaus Schwab has elaborated on this movement for technocratic tyranny through his recent books, such as “Covid-19 The Great Reset” and the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

Read more here.


We knew this by October 19, 2020, but now we can report it more freely. Somehow it’s forgotten, probably because it was banned.

October 18, 2019, two months before the first patient contracted the novel Chinese coronavirus.

On that date, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation hosted a think tank they called “Event 201.” For 3.5 hours, Event 201’s attendees participated in a tabletop simulation of a hypothetical pandemic of – you guessed it – a deadly, novel coronavirus that had somehow adapted from one that only infected animals into one that infects humans as well. The hypothetical virus wipes out 65 million people worldwide.

This simulation aimed to identify solutions to the policy and economic issues that would evolve from a global catastrophe of this magnitude.

Highlights of the event:

It Was Focused on Economics and Politics, Not Public Health

You will note they are not focused so much on public health or the tragedy of losing 65 million people. They are more focused on the economic and political ramifications of a pandemic. From the

The next severe pandemic will not only cause great illness and loss of life but could also trigger major cascading economic and societal consequences that could contribute greatly to global impact and suffering.

– Event 201 Website

Ultimately the panel concluded that in order to resolve a global pandemic would require “unprecedented levels of collaboration between governments, international organizations, and the private sector.” In short, the global public/private partnership must be strengthened and supported in order to “save the world.”

This all begs the following questions:
  1. Why a “novel coronavirus?
  2. Why not a new strain of flu or a brand new disease altogether?
  3. And why now, just two months before the hypothetical scenario began to play out in real life?

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