Gavin Newsom Wants Biden to Silence Critics


The reservoir in the middle of the Palisades was empty, and officials won’t say how long it has been empty. Since the Water CEO makes $750,000 annually, she should at least give us this information.

Gov. Newsom is complaining about the misinformation and politicization. It is hard not to get political when so many high-paid employees fail on the job.

A memo to the fire chiefs in LA leaked, explaining that the Fire Dept. could no longer check fire hydrants or properly respond to crises due to the cuts in funding. This was before the fires that are ravaging Los Angeles.

Newsom told Joe Biden he is heartbroken about the California fires and wants Biden to stop all the misinformation and disinformation. He said he didn’t know where this false information came from and didn’t specify what information was false.

“There are hurricane-force winds of mis- and disinformation. People want to divide this country…It breaks my heart…You wonder where this stuff comes from.” Gavin Newsom wants Biden to “focus” on the alleged misinformation.

Newson should focus on his emergency alert system, which falsely sent a message to evacuate all residents of Los Angeles.

The priority should be the people, but it’s not. It’s illegal aliens, the green movement, and myriad woke issues. Talking about misinformation, Newsom bald-faced lied to the woman who ran up to him, asking what he was going to do about her daughter’s school burning down. He said he was literally on the phone handling it, and he was not. He gave her misinformation.

Ten Americans have died in Los Angeles wildfires. More than 10,000 structures were reduced to ashes. At least 450,000 people are without power.

The alert system sent false evacuation notifications to thousands of people.

What is Newsom worried about? He is concerned about misinformation that might make him look bad.

The fires continue to burn, but firefighters were able to get some control as the winds died down.

People are making their way back to their homes despite fires still raging. They were stuck watching their homes burn on TV.

James Woods house is still standing with damage.

A nice story:

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