Georgia governor bans mandatory face-coverings


Georgia Governor Kemp has overridden all local requirements to wear facial coverings. He has banned all orders to wear face-coverings.

That’s gutsy since the left has forbidden such thoughts.

Kemp’s executive order issued Wednesday prevents local governments from enforcing mandatory face-covering orders that are more restrictive than the current statewide order. The move effectively voided orders issued by at least 15 local governments across the state, according to The Associated Press.

He strongly encourages the wearing of masks where practicable.

Kemp’s spokesperson Candice Broce said the mandates are unenforceable and she’s right except for people like Murphy, the governor of New Jersey who said the Constitution is “above his paygrade,” as he laughed.

In fact, masks may be a good idea and sounds logical, but there is no scientific data to support their efficacy — none.

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