Glen Beck Predicts Our Future as a 3rd World Banana Republic


Glenn Beck predicted our future during a segment on Tucker Carlson Tonight Thursday.  We should be afraid because everything he says is possible.


Beck’s scenario is the worst case, but it doesn’t have to be.

There isn’t much we can do about the petrodollar unless they don’t join until after 2024, and Donald Trump or possibly DeSantis wins the presidency.

All is not lost if we don’t go to war. If we can stop the purge from the far left, manufacture at home, and cut the fat out of our budget, we can begin to grow again. We can grow on the Judeo-Christian values that created this country.

Donald Trump did a good job as President. I agree with Ric Grenell. Every candidate should drop out and throw their support to Donald Trump. It would be a recognition of the inner war we face and our willingness to take it on.

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