Bad News on Excess Deaths for the 2 Minute Newsbreak


Eurostat shows a rise in excess deaths. Excess mortality rose 19% over November. Germany rose 37.5%. The media and the public health community still won’t look at the vaccines as a potential cause for this very gnarly news.

Between March 2020 and December 2022, the EU recorded four distinct waves of excess mortality, with peaks in April 2020 (25.2 %), November 2020 (40.0 %, the highest), April 2021 (20.9 %), and November 2021 (26.5 %).

This is worse than during COVID. COVID didn’t cause it. Should we look at the vaccines? Someone? Anyone?

Gnarly news the media doesn’t want to hear.

Some are COVID deaths, but the numbers aren’t as high as during the pandemic. COVID isn’t the cause.

The media will not look at the vaccines as a possible cause. They will consider anything but. It’s too gnarly for them

Mortality in Europe December 2022

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