Good News! No Fraud Found in WI 2020, Just Some Lawlessness


A report from the conservative Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty concluded there were no indications of widespread fraud in the 2020 election. Additionally, there was nothing suspicious about voter turnout or the timing of the vote tally. Voting machines operated properly, the report also found.

However, WILL concluded fraud may be more difficult to identify because clerks around the state did not follow the same procedures.

WILL’s team examined about 20,000 ballots and found no signs the ballots were fraudulent or miscounted. In Milwaukee and elsewhere, there was not a mismatch between the number of people listed as voting and the ballots that were counted.

“Put simply, there was no unexplained ‘ballot dump,'” the authors wrote.

“There is no evidence of significant problems with voting machines,” the authors wrote.

It is almost certain that in Wisconsin’s 2020 election the number of votes that did not comply with existing legal requirements exceeded Joe Biden’s margin of victory,” the report states. “[But] there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud. In all likelihood, more eligible voters cast ballots for Joe Biden than Donald Trump.” [Emphasis mine]

Researchers said the election very likely came down to performance.

There were other problems [Emphasis mine]. Among them:

“The widespread adoption of absentee ballot drop boxes, encouraged by the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC), runs afoul of state law requirements for the collection of absentee ballots. And more than 265,000 Wisconsin voters adopted the ‘indefinitely confined’ status, meaning they received an absentee ballot and were exempt from the statewide photo ID requirements. Further, 54,259 ballots were cast by individuals who have never shown a voter ID in any election. This does not necessarily mean that Biden did not win a majority of the votes of those eligible to vote, but the questions of fraud and unlawful processes are related.”

It seems clear that voters abandoned the rules for voting indefinitely confined, drop boxes were used, at least one ballot-harvesting event was conducted without statutory authorization, absentee balloting in nursing homes was conducted contrary to law, ballots were cured without authorization, and voter rolls were not accurately maintained as required by state and federal law,” the report details.

Specifically, the WILL report notes that the spike in indefinitely confined votes alone is a major red flag.


The state’s five largest cities received $8.8 million in grants from the Center for Tech and Civic Life to help them run their elections. A far smaller amount — about $1.5 million — went to about 200 other communities, including some that lean Republican.

Courts have ruled the grants were allowed.

So, to sum up, there were all kinds of lawless irregularities but no sign of fraud, and Biden likely won. Your faith in the election should be restored.

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