Gov. Walz Dragged Minnesota Education Into Shocking Decline


According to Alpha News, Gov. Walz has dramatically transformed the purpose of education in Minnesota. Academic achievement is no longer the primary goal.

He took an outstanding system and destroyed it in record time. The shocking decline now exceeds, in some metrics, the decline of the nation as a whole, Alpha reports.

Walz decided to transform the students’ values, attitudes, and beliefs into the woke worldview. This indoctrination is called “culturally relevant” teaching and is woven throughout the Walz education program.

He infiltrated the schools with restorative justice and set up a diversity council. Ethnic studies became part of the curriculum.

The new standards included white supremacy, implicit bias, and systemic racism which are foundational Marxist principles. New teachers were told to adopt and teach them all.

Gender ideology was infused into the curriculum.

Walz Turned the school system into a communist indoctrination center.

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