Harris Ads Are the Best of Clown World


Kamala Harris is trying to buy Hispanic votes. With a billion dollars, she is spending 724% more on ads to attract Hispanics. She’s also after women and blacks, with ads that have to be seen to be believed.

According to Facebook Meta, Harris’s ad spending is 65% aimed at women. I guess they see us as dumber and more easily manipulated.

But this is a clown world. This is who we are now.

Never underestimate the depths of cringe and moronic to which Kamala’s ads can sink. The bottom is never reached. In the first ad, the campaign wants black men to know they won’t get the sexy girl unless they vote for her.

You will notice the lack of joy. It’s all just weird, guilt-driving, projection cringe mania. There is no positive agenda. They definitely don’t want to make America Great. The only message is orange man bad, a threat to democracy. The only card they can play is the other guy is worse than me.

It gets weirder.

This one shows real men voting for Kamala. They’re all actors. It’s one of the most cringeworthy.

If you don’t vote for Kamala, your grandchildren will say you were a “lazy, selfish, d***.” The ads don’t include policy unless they’re lies.

They want to jingle you into voting for her.

How many voters do you think this will bring in?

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