Harris Agrees with a Protester Saying Israel Committed “Genocide”


Installed candidate Kamala Harris  agreed with a protestor this week that Israel is committing “genocide.”

During a campaign stop Thursday at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, a pro-Hamas UWM student began yelling out while the Democratic presidential nominee was speaking.

“I am so invested in you all, in every way,” Harris said.

“And in genocide, right?” the yeller said.

“Billions of dollars in genocide. Billions of dollars in genocide.”

Someone off-camera can be heard whispering, “Shut up,” but the heckler continued.

Harris got to blurt her favorite line, “I’m speaking right now.”

“I know what you’re speaking of. I want the ceasefire. I want the war to end. And I respect your right to speak, but I am speaking right now,” she said.

“But what about the genocide? What about the genocide, though?” the protestor with the keffiyeh shouted.

He was eventually guided out while yelling, “19,000 children are dead, and you won’t call it a genocide.”

Watch the exchange here. She’s subtle but her meaning is clear.

Where is this going?

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