Harris Campaign Secretly Worried About Losing MI, PA, and WI


The Harris campaign sees her lead in the blue states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin going down.  A leaked Democrat internal poll in Wisconsin has Donald Trump leading by three points, and Zogby put Wisconsin in the toss-up column. The leak came from Sen. Tammy Baldwin’s campaign. Internal polls are more accurate than media and university polls.

WSJ reports: An internal poll done by Democrat Tammy Baldwin’s Senate campaign last week showed Harris down by three percentage points in Wisconsin, while Baldwin was up by two points, according to a person familiar with the poll. The person said much of the narrowing is due to Republicans’ strength with noncollege-educated men. Public polling has shown that Harris has a slight lead in the state.

The Wall Street Journal:

Democrats have privately grown worried about Kamala Harris’s standing among working-class voters in the crucial “blue-wall” states—particularly in Michigan.

Donald Trump has assiduously courted union members and noncollege-educated white voters with a message focused on high costs, manufacturing, and the threat of China to the U.S. economy.

Senior Democrats, including Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, want a sharper economic appeal from Harris and have conveyed those concerns to her campaign, according to people familiar with the conversations. They also would like the vice president to spend more time campaigning in the state.

Michigan Democrats have urged the campaign to make more overt appeals to autoworkers and blue-collar workers by emphasizing the administration’s work to grow the industry and build new plants. [That bridge has been crossed. Her lies won’t work.]

They don’t run on their policies, only on polls, and Kamala flip-flops accordingly. People notice.

Because of her policies on energy, EVs and gas cars, she’s lost the auto workers. Other policies are costing her the Teamster support. She is losing the working man and woman as the parties shift priorities. Donald Trump and JD Vance are pushing for the working class.

The Muslim population is angry about her support of the war with Israel, and she’s lost many of them.

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