Harris Panders with a Cringey Copycat Skit in a Black Barbershop


We can see most of the stage in this photo.

Kamala copied Donald Trump and visited a black barbershop. Where’s her MAGA hat?

She sported a new black accent and said this:

“That’s where the truth get’s spoken. That’s where the news gets shared, Kamala said, pandering.”

“It’s not my first time.”

Oh my, so cringey. Only in clown world.

MSDNC probably didn’t get what they wanted here:

Kamala offers us Fraggle Rock, while Trump shows us the real Trump. On Friday, Trump spent three hours talking with Joe Rogan, answering every question. Some of what he said was very good, and others were not, but we know who he is and what he will do. We know he’s tireless and will try to do what he can to turn this mess around.

It’s not about her being a woman. That is her obsession.

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