This is your periodic reminder that the world as we knew it was wholly wrecked with lockdowns, and nothing has been the same since those days: we are poorer, more censored, more controlled, more coerced, less free, stupider, and now even artificial “joy” is a top-down task.
~ Jeffrey A. Tucker
The Hitlerization of Trump
Kamala Harris hangs with celebrities who want to exterminate the Jewish state. Sentinel mentions this because she is so desperate to paint Donald Trump as Hitler, thanks to the idea given to her by generals who loathe the anti-war president.
She hasn’t come up with an original idea yet, and what is so striking about her is how dumb she is. It must surprise Democrats, too. She did pass the bar the second time. However, she doesn’t know anything and can’t answer simple questions, even those asked repeatedly. She’s a silly, superficial Valley Girl.
There’s also John Legend who also hates Israel
— Daniel Greenfield – “Hang Together or Separately” (@Sultanknish) October 28, 2024
She can’t answer any questions; she just can’t!
The Importance of Prayer: How a Christian Gold Company Stands Out by Defending Americans’ Retirement
Everything she does is staged. The one thing you can say about Donald Trump is he sits for interviews and shows exactly who he is, with his strengths, vision, flaws, and promise. You won’t ever get that from Kamala Harris. She probably doesn’t know who she is. Her entire career has been phony self-promotion and a little help from Willie Brown with no there there.
Harris ditched joy lately and is now trying out hate, threats, and acrimonious invective. As Harris verbally pummels Donald Trump and all Make America Great Again hopefuls, we already know the real Harris who wants to gut the Third Branch of government, enforce a censorship regime, take away our means of self-defense, keep the borders open, and make them all citizens, and spend without end until the end comes, of course.
Harris lies about everything, and her entire career is a fraud. Take her trying of cases as an example. She claimed she personally tried 100 cases as District Attorney and later she said it was 50. Eventually, Harris said it was under 30. It turns out it was probably six, and she might not have been the first chair. There is no evidence she tried appellate cases and still became California’s attorney general.
It’s all puffery from an empty suit. Her transition from joy, screw joy, to mean fearmongering campaign just shows us she knows nothing and doesn’t have good character to make up for it.
It’s like watching a dystopian B movie with a bad actress in the lead. She sounds like a rabid authoritarian who practiced before a mirror.
She even copied Donald Trump’s barbershop visit, which turned out as expected.
In a desperate attempt to mimic Trump, Kamala Harris’s campaign staged her at a barbershop today. You can’t make this up!
— PitunisWorld (@ScMesab) October 27, 2024
People have described her dialogue as vapid. You can see why.
Compare this with Donald Trump’s visit to the barbershop. Whether you agree or not, he answers questions.
Everyone NEEDS to watch this clip of Trump talking about eliminating the federal income tax to some guys in a Bronx, NY barbershop!
Look how captivated they are
— David J Harris Jr (@DavidJHarrisJr) October 22, 2024
She is a grifter who has risen to high office, put there by foolish true believers, puppeteers, and hangers-on.
God help us all if she wins on November 5th. I doubt she will.
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