Here are the 26 Republicans who voted with Dems on the USPS “hoax” bill


Two dozen Republicans voted with the Democrats on the $25 billion USPS bill this evening despite the fact that President Trump labeled the new ‘crisis’ a ‘fraud.’

There is no emergency at the USPS. They have billions of dollars that President Trump approved to take them through next year.

The President branded it a ‘hoax’ because the post office is fine but Democrats are claiming it’s in crisis.

The bill basically says it will stop reforms from Postmaster General DeJoy, which he already suspended anyway. And Trump has already said he’d veto it. Mitch McConnell said it was dead on arrival.

It’s a show vote and a PR stunt. Some GOP pretend they are holding the line and then ‘reluctantly’ give in.

This legislation provides 25 billion in funding for the Postal Service and prohibits the USPS from enacting ANY mail processing or delivery changes between now and the election (even if it is designed to increase efficiency).

No one is going to change a thing but why not have a show vote anyway?

The Democrats discussed adding their universal mail-in voting amendment, but decided that bill will come next.

The legislation is a sham. It is a solution to a problem that does not exist.

There is no conspiracy to destroy the post office. It’s completely manufactured.

This is not the end-goal in any case. This is just the beginning. Democrats plan to use this scheme to push through their ultimate agenda item — universal, nationwide mail-in voting.

President Trump responded on Twitter this evening:

Representatives of the Post Office have repeatedly stated that they DO NOT NEED MONEY, and will not make changes. This is all another HOAX by the Democrats to give 25 Billion unneeded dollars for political purposes, without talking about the Universal Mail-In Ballot Scam….

….that they are trying to pull off in violation of everything that our Country stands for. Vote NO to the Pelosi/ Schumer money wasting HOAX which is taking place now. Then fight the $51 million unasked for Ballots. Only ABSENTEE BALLOTS are acceptable!


Check to see if your rep was a ‘yea.’ You might want to call and tell him how you feel about it.

Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives – Vote Details by Johannah Winter on Scribd

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