Hero GA Mom levels school officials over masks — should be required viewing


Courtney Ann Taylor is the mother of three young children and for two minutes she told the school officials the truth. She’s a good mom and a hero for fighting the fight and daring to say what we all now but have been banned from saying.

“Every month, I come here, and I hear the same thing. Social [and] emotional health,” Georgia mother Courtney Ann Taylor said at the start of the video, which has been seen over 600,000 times. “If you truly mean that, you would end the mask requirement tonight.”

“This is not March 2020 anymore,” Taylor continued. “We have three vaccines, every adult in the state of Georgia that wants that vaccine is eligible to get it right now, and every one of us knows that young children are not affected by this virus.”

She said “we didn’t vote for the CDC, we voted for you” to make the hard decisions.

Her 6-yer-old begs her to talk to the officials and now she has.


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