Heroic Texas Guardsman Evans Laid to Rest as Biden Parties With D.C. Elites


Heroic Texas Guardsman Evans Laid to Rest

as Biden Parties With D.C. Elites

On Saturday, Bishop Evans, the heroic, 22-year-old Texas National Guardsman, who drowned attempting to save the lives of two illegal immigrants, was laid to rest. Those two illegals were subsequently held for their reported involvement in drug trafficking.

Evans’ stepfather, Michael Burnett, and mother said he always put others before himself.  

“But I wasn’t surprised what he did. I wasn’t surprised at all,” Michael said. 

“He never met someone who wasn’t his friend, and if you weren’t his friend, you would be by the time you got done.” Evans’ mother said.

Gov. Greg Abbott was at the funeral service where, “….Evans was promoted from Specialist to Sergeant and was presented the award of the Lone Star Medal of Valor for his sacrifice and bravery.”

Meanwhile, later that same day, Joe Biden was partying hearty with a couple thousand Washington D.C. elitists. The “privileged class” many of whom happened to be Black, spent the evening celebrating themselves, while those trying to keep them and the rest of us safe, mourned the tragic loss of Sergeant Bishop Evans, who also happened to be Black.

Although there was plenty of coverage of Joe Biden slandering the Mounted Border Patrol Officers over the non-existent “whipping” of Haitians illegally entering the country, apparently there’s no record of Joe Biden amending that lie, or saying anything about the guardsman’s passing and burial.

As hundreds gathered to memorialize Sgt. Evans’, his parents “wiped away tears knowing their son’s act of courage highlights exactly who he was.”

And, ironically his selfless bravery, wholly unrecognized by Biden and his cabal of D.C. elites, highlights exactly who they are.

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