“Hey, Hey, Hey” Here Are Dem Leader AOC’s Worst Town Hall Moments


Screenshot of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at a march town hall

Ahh, where to begin with the embarrassing codswallop from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at last night’s town hall for socialists. Actually, that’s all that needs to be said.

At one point, former congressman Bob Inglis made only the teeniest bit of non-socialist sense when he said we should wait on universal basic income [free money for all] until after the [cataclysmic] climate change deal. The crowd [of dummkopfs] turned on Bob Inglis.

SuperMaoGirl was there to save the day, however, when she jumped in and yelled, “Hey, hey, hey, that’s unacceptable, and that’s the difference between me and Trump.”

She was probably referencing the Trump crowd at his most recent rally chanting, “AOC sucks,” which is an accurate description, albeit a tad rude. Although one must wonder if it can be considered rude when she’s trying to turn us into a socialist hellhole.

The is real hogwash, right here:

Then came a really offensive comment. She conflated the horror of 9/11 with her Green New Deal. As far as the hurricane death toll, it’s inaccurate, but that isn’t the point. The thrust of her comment is that we could have prevented the hurricane if we had implemented the Green New Deal which even her Democrat colleagues mocked.

The man who served as an usher at my wedding died that day. He was the chief of the fire department in New York. The self-appointed and beloved chaplain died that day. They died horrifically and left behind a lot of devastated loved ones. That story is repeated 3,000 times and this airhead is comparing that to her idiotic Green New Deal based on fallacious science computer models and an absurd prediction that we will all suffer and die in twelve years.

How dare she!

The 29-year-old know-it-all socialist also thinks she has the right to tax us into bankruptcy.

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