How Dems plan to win every election


Kimberly Strassel has a good piece at the WSJ explaining what happened during this election, and they need go no further than look at the Democrats’ first bill in 2017 — HR -1.

They used the pandemic to push many of their voting rules into action, not the legal way through legislation, but with judges.

With HR-1, “Mrs. Pelosi un­veiled a 600-plus page bill de­voted to “elec­tion re­form.” Some of the leg­is­la­tion was aimed at weaponiz­ing campaign-fi­nance law, giv­ing De­mocrats more power to con­trol po­lit­i­cal speech and to in­tim­i­date op­po-nents. But the bill was equally fo­cused on em­pow­er­ing the fed­eral gov­ern­ment to dic­tate how states con­duct elec­tions—with new rules de­signed to wa­ter down bal­lot in­tegrity and to cor­ral huge new tranches of De­mo­c­ra­tic vot­ers.”

“The bill would re­quire states to of­fer early vot­ing. They also would have to al­low Elec­tion Day and on­line voter reg­is­tra­tion, di­lut­ing the ac­cu­racy of vot­ing rolls. H.R. 1 would make states reg­is­ter vot­ers au­to­mat­i­cally from gov­ern­ment data­bases, in­clud­ing fed­eral wel­fare re­cip­i­ents. Col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties were des­ig­nated as voter-reg­is­tra­tion hubs, and 16-year-olds would be reg­is­tered to vote two years in ad­vance. The bill would re­quire “no fault” ab­sen­tee bal­lots, al­low­ing any­one to vote by mail, for any rea­son. It en­vi­sioned pre­paid postage for fed­eral ab­sen­tee bal­lots. It would crip­ple most state voter-ID laws. It left in place the “bal­lot har­vest­ing” rules that let paid ac­tivists can­vass neigh­bor­hoods to hoover up ab­sen­tee votes.”

“De­moc­rats grandly named their bill the For The Peo­ple Act, but con­ser­v­a­tives had bet­ter ti­tles. This page called it the “Ma­jor­ity Preser­va­tion Act,” while the ed­i­tors at Na­tional Re­view de­scribed it as an “Un­con­sti­tu­tional, Au­thor­i­tarian Power Grab.” Sen­ate Ma­jor­ity Leader Mitch Mc­Connell de­cried the bill as a “naked at­tempt to change the rules of Amer­i­can pol­i­tics to ben­e­fit one party,” and dubbed it the “De­mo­c­rat Politi­cian Pro­tec­tion Act.”

The fix was in for 2020 and well-planned from the beginning- flood the zone with mail-in ballots which have no voter ID.

And of course they planned ballot harvesting which eliminated red seats in Florida, Orange County, California, and elsewhere.

And as Ms. Strassel writes: “Yet the beauty of bal­lot har­vest­ing is that it is nearly im­pos­si­ble to prove fraud. How many har­vesters of­fered to de­liver votes, only to throw away in­con­ve­nient ones? How many vot­ers were pushed or ca­joled, or even paid—or had a bal­lot filled and re­turned for them with­out their knowl­edge? And this is be­fore ques­tions of what other mis­chief went on amid mil­lions of mailed bal­lots (which went to wrong ad­dresses or de­ceased peo­ple) and re­duced voter ver­i­fi­cation rules. As the Her­itage Foun­dation’s elec­tion ex­pert Hans von Spakovsky has ex­plained, mail-in vot­ing is the “sin­gle worst form of elec­tion pos­si­ble” be­cause “it moves the en­tire elec­tion be­yond the over­sight of elec­tion of­fi­cials.”

This is how the election was won and it was won with the worst form of corruption.

This is only a glimpse of what Nancy Pelosi wants. And she plans to make ‘election reform’ part of her agenda.

We are Rwanda.

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