Idaho Republicans to Reject 2020 Election Results and Joe Biden as President



Idaho Republicans to Reject 2020 Election Results

and Joe Biden as President

By Mark Schwendau

The Associated Press released a very interesting story this week.  Apparently the Idaho Republican Party will debate 31 resolutions at its three-day convention occurring this week. One is parallel to a resolution adopted by Texas Republicans this summer which holds that President Joe Biden isn’t the legitimate leader of the country based on election fraud that occurred in November of 2020.

Welcome to Idaho

The Idaho Republican’s resolution in this deeply conservative state holds Donald Trump won with 64% of the vote in 2020.  It is nearly identical to the Texas resolution that was passed in June, stating: “We reject the certified results of the 2020 presidential election; and we hold that acting president Joseph Robinette Biden was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States.”

The Idaho and Texas resolutions contend the secretaries of state circumvented their state legislatures, even though both states have Republican secretaries of state.

Idaho’s resolution goes even further than the Texas resolution in that it holds audits found the vote count for the 2020 election to be fraudulent in both Arizona and Wisconsin.  These were 2 of the 6 swing states where apparent parallel systematic voter fraud would later be exposed.  The very kind of fraud candidate Joe Biden said would occur just a month before the election in October of 2020.

“We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” – Joe Biden

In Arizona a forensic audit was concluded last September and results were released.  In that audit in the examination of signatures the audit team found 34,448 duplicate ballots in the 2020 Arizona general election. The implication is at least 17,224 votes that were invalid due to duplicate or triple voting by the same person. Joe Biden supposedly won Arizona by only 10,457 votes, which is nearly 7,000 less votes than the above mentioned invalid vote count.

A major portion of the forensic audit was conducted by Cyber Ninjas out of Florida.  The firm was recruited by the Arizona State Senate to conduct the forensic audit at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum on the State Fairgrounds in Maricopa County.

The audit revealed:

For more than 255,000 early ballots, the early voting returns file did not match the county final vote file.

Over 9,000 mail-in votes were received and counted, exceeding the county’s official total.

A canvass revealed almost 3,400 more votes than reported.

On Election Day, there were 1,551 more votes cast than voters.

Despite relocating to Maricopa County after the October 5 deadline, over 23,000 voted via mail.

Some 2,382 people voted in person in Maricopa County after moving away.

Almost 2,000 voters were granted a complete ballot instead of a presidential-only ballot after moving out of state less than 29 days before the election.

Almost 300 dead people reportedly have voted.

Nearly 2,500 votes were reported as uncast in the early voting results.

In Wisconsin earlier this month their state Supreme Court ruled that absentee ballot drop boxes funded by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg should have only been placed only in secure election offices and no one other than the voter can return their ballot in person.  This was a defeat to Democrats who said the decision would make it harder to vote in that swing state. It is viewed as a victory for those trying to reinforce voter integrity.  It was also illegal for the State of Wisconsin to allow a private entity to contribute to an election the way Zuckerberg was involved in both cash donations and placement of Democrat activist personnel in key places in the polling process.

The movie “2000 Mules” potentially proved election fraud in both Arizona and Wisconsin by the illegal process of ballot harvesting.  Republicans argue that practice, known as ballot harvesting, is rife with fraud. Democrats argue that many voters, particularly the elderly and disabled, have difficulty returning their ballots without the help of others.

The Idaho Republican Party will also elect officers during their convention gathering.  Some of the resolutions and discussions will take up the issue of Republicans In Name Only (RINO) candidates such as House Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and House Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois.  These people are two examples who got elected using Republican campaign donations and votes and then did not conduct themselves according to the will of their constituents and seemingly went rogue.  Many Republicans around the country feel the Democrats are using a dirty trick of infiltrating the Republican Party with candidates who are essentially act as double agents.  Meaning they were never for or about the Republican Party but are essentially spies.

Some proposals being discussed are a loyalty oath that would be taken and signed before any party candidate received party funds for campaigning.  Others include party removal of unfaithful candidates and possibly requiring them to pay back campaign funds taken under false pretenses.

A number of Republicans holding elected offices at the time of the 2020 General Election that did not do enough to stand by President Donald Trump and his claims of election fraud will become targets for future elimination by the voters.

Trump may not have the reward of remaining in the Oval Office as America’s 45th President but he does have the satisfaction of knowing he was right once again, the election was stolen, and now there is ample proof on a number of different fronts from people with expertise in a number of different fields. The crime has been exposed and now the reputation of the FBI and DOJ who sat idly by and did nothing is seriously impugned.

The worse Joe Biden does as acting president, the greater people are going to want to disassociate themselves from him and the Democrat party as well as any claims of  legitimacy of the 2020 eleciton.

Copyright © 2022 by Mark S. Schwendau

Mark S. Schwendau is a retired technology professor who has always had a sideline in news-editorial writing where his byline has been, “Bringing little known news to people who simply want to know the truth.”  He classifies himself as a Christian conservative who God cast to be a realist.  Mark is an award-winning educator who has published 7 books and numerous peer-reviewed trade journal articles some of which can be found on the Internet.  His father was a fireman/paramedic while his mother was a registered nurse.  He holds multiple degrees in technology education, industrial management, OSHA Safety, and Driver’s Education.  His personal website is www.IDrawIWrite.Tech.

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