Illegal Crossings Into the US Via Canada Up 743% in Swanton Sector


People are now coming illegally from Canada in far greater numbers. The Swanton Sector saw a 743% spike in illegal aliens trying to cross. They found it “easier entry than Mexico.”

One must wonder how many fly in and never leave. No one in this administration is trying to find out.

Border Patrol released eerie images of the aliens trudging through 12 feet of snow. in sub-zero temperatures. Between October 1 and December 31, Border Patrol’s Swanton Sector in Vermont and New Hampshire saw a surge of 743% in apprehensions and encounters compared to the previous year.


This is a “SUSTAINED INCREASE” which means it will become unsustainable.

This is another humanitarian crisis in the making.

“These environmental challenges, coupled with the sharp increase in illicit cross-border traffic, generate great concern for the potential loss of human life. In recent press releases, Swanton Sector highlighted several instances of family groups and individuals rescued from cold-weather-related crises and trauma. Unfortunately, these types of events have not diminished as Swanton Sector Border Patrol continues to encounter family groups with children (aged as young as a few months old) crossing uncertain terrain in single-digit (Fahrenheit) temperatures,” CBP reports.

As Border Patrol rescues these people, the agents put themselves in grave danger.

Thank the administration for this horror.

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