Fox faux journalist and inept political analyst Juan Williams said the Columbus police officer who fatally shot Black teenager Ma’Khia Bryant on April 20 should have instead fired a warning shot to ‘distract her.’
The girl was twice the size of the girl she was attacking and the knife was inches from her neck, but Juan chose to ignore that fact.
“I guess I would shoot the gun not necessarily at someone. Maybe shoot the gun and maybe run at the person and try to disarm them.”
He said “murder is pretty radical,” and the case is “messy.” First of all, the attempted murderess teen was twice the size of her victim and the knife was inches from the girl she was trying to kill. The only things that are “messy” is the media reporting and the dishonest blather from complete fools like Juan.
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The officer came upon a scene with a big man kicking one girl in the head and Makiyah Bryant about to kill another girl dressed in pink. He thought fast and made the right decision in a split second. He’s a hero.
Juan, on the other hand, is a mentally bankrupt blaggard.
The girl in pink was grateful and didn’t take her near-death experience lightly.
A police officer, who was walking with her, tried to interview the girl in pink about what happened.
“She f**king came at me with a knife,” the girl says.
The officer asks, “She came at you with a knife earlier?”
“No, she just did,” the girl corrects him.
“That is why, that’s why the police did it. She came after me.”
“With a knife?” the cop inquires again. “Yeah, so he got her,” the girl replied, obviously thankful.
LUNACY: Juan Williams claims that the Columbus police officer should have fired his gun into the air or a bullet off to the side to distract Ma’Khia Bryant in hopes that she’ll stop what she’s doing and wouldn’t stab the girl in pink
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) April 22, 2021
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