James Woods Let Everyone Know About “Sweet” Sheila Lee


The Houston Chronicle reported that Mayor-elect Whitmire beat Sheila Jackson Lee in a landslide win, 64.4 percent to 35.6 percent in a special election Saturday night. She had Hillary Clinton’s and Nancy Pelosi’s full backing for what it was worth.

Why She Lost

“People want to go to work for me because we respect people. We don’t bully people,” Whitmire said. “My family taught me to treat people the way you want to be treated, and that works wherever you are, regardless of what community you’re visiting with.

“Treat these individuals like you want to be treated.”

Whitmire was referring to an October audio leak that exposed how nasty and demeaning she is toward employees.

The very popular James Woods posted the clip:

Here’s a partial transcript without the curse words:

“I don’t want you to do a G**Da** thing. I want you to have a f****** brain… I want you to have read it… I want you to say, Congresswoman, it was such and such a date. that’s what I want you… that’s the kind of stuff that I want to have. So, if some other stupid  m*****f***er did it, and I don’t have the information, nobody sent me the information, I need to ensure my schedule, and you know if booboo did it, if s***a** did it, if f***f**e did it, and nobody knows a g** d*** thing in my office, K? Nothing. I gave it to you. Your job was to get on the calendar and print it in your brain, send me the information back…”

Who the heck would want her?

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