John Fetterman Explains the “Whole Reason” for the 14th Amendment


The Democrat Party wants Joe Biden to misuse the 14th Amendment to raise the debt ceiling. They sent John Fetterman out to call for invoking the 14th. Fetterman even said [raising the debt ceiling] that’s the whole reason for the 14th Amendment.

The Whole Reason

The actual whole reason for the 14th Amendment was to give citizenship and equal rights to former slaves. When it referred to debt, it upheld the national debt while exempting the federal government and state governments from any responsibility for the debts incurred by the rebellious Confederate States of America.

It had nothing to do with one president spending recklessly and ignoring the minority party.

Sending John Fetterman out in public with a statement defining the 14th Amendment is like expecting a Supreme Court Justice to define the word “woman.”

How long do we have to pretend that any of this makes sense without them calling us names?

We’re sorry for Mr. Fetterman, but he doesn’t belong in the Senate, and we don’t love the Constitution distorted for political expediency. Democrats continually fall back on old laws and misuse them in ways the authors never intended. We never wipe the books; there’s always a law that can be morphed for any purpose, but that is corruption.

Far-far left Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren, and Bernie, the financial wiz, want Biden to use the 14th to get their way. If you can’t get your way, use force?

The letter states that Republicans in Congress are “not acting in good faith.” They won’t negotiate and want to spend without limit or any effort to work with the minority party that represents 75 million people. And Republicans are “not acting in good faith?”


Bernie Sanders, who is on record as saying a 90% tax rate isn’t too high, posted a letter he sent to Biden with the signatures of ten other Democrats calling for an undemocratic solution. They want to destroy democracy to get their way. Biden will not bargain and wouldn’t even cut the pandemic funds. Democrats want a clean bill and to give nothing as they send the US into unsustainable debt and inevitable bankruptcy.

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