John Kerry says he’s so important to climate, he has to fly private jets


Elitist John Kerry has no choice but to fly private jets so he can force us peons to use less CO2 [CO2 isn’t poison as they claim but rather, it is the stuff of life].

He was asked about his enormous carbon footprint when he flies private jets but he wasn’t asked about his mansions, yacht, and big vans. Basically, he said he has no choice because he’s so important to the climate change movement.

Kerry’s plan is to have the common man offset his big fat carbon footprint. He’s special.

Kerry was a terrible choice for climate csar. The cadaverous Kerry sounds like an arrogant elitist and flies around in jets with his King Kong footprint. How is he going to unite people as he raves about The Great Reset he plans to force us into?

If he didn’t marry the Heinz heiress, would we have ever her of this guy?


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