Joy Reid Spews Out Another Racist Commentary About “White Tears”


Far-left MSNBC host Joy Reid compared the Kyle Rittenhouse trial to the 2018 Brett Kavanaugh hearings in a new TikTok video, claiming both men benefitted from their “male, White tears” while defending themselves.

“In America, there’s a thing about both White vigilantism and White tears,” Reid said. “Particularly male, White tears. Really White tears in general, because that’s what Karens are, right? They can Karen out and then as soon as they get caught, bring waterworks.”

“White men can get away with that too,” Reid continued. “Because it has the same effect.”

First, Joy Reid assumed Justice Kavanaugh did sexually molest a woman with gave a fact-free testimony — literally no facts and lots of sketchy comments. Then Reid made the comparison based on “white tears.” In other words, all white tears are fraudulent. This is so racist.

Stereotyping is racist and evil.

Why is someone like this on TV spreading hate and division? She doesn’t even have decent ratings.

“What tears?????”” NBA star Lebron James asked last week. “I didn’t see one. Man knock it off! That boy ate some lemon heads before walking into court.”

It’s okay now to be racist?

Kyle is on trial while facing a life sentence in prison and she doesn’t think the tears are real? Brett Kavanaugh was having his reputation destroyed before the world and his family, including a young daughter. Joyless doesn’t think that’s real?

As far as calling Kyle Rittenhouse a “vigilante,” he was in Kenosha to protect Car Source and his hometown (his father and other family members live in Kenosha).

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