Juan says there’s no “widespread violence in American cities,” it’s QAnon


Juan Williams says “there is not widespread violence in American cities,” and violence is actually down. Where has he been or is he just lying?

Juan said Democrats aren’t responsible for a handful of anarchists. But, they are. They constantly promote antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) ‘protests.’

He also claimed the problem is QAnon violence. He needs to come up with the evidence for that.


Fox did a hit piece on QAnon this week, but they allow Juan to lie daily.

We agree with Kayleigh McEnany that the media is using QAnon as a distraction.

This must be QAnon then. Oh no, wait, it’s NYC criminals:

This must be a QAnon them? Oh, no, it’s Portland antifa:

The Chicago violence is QAnon then. No, wrong again, it’s BLM.

Minneapolis violence wasn’t QAnon either:

Seattle’s a disaster too — from terrrorists and criminals:

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