Kamala Claims Absurdly That Biden Has “Reduced Heating and Electricity Bills”


Kamala Harris was in Bowie, Maryland on Wednesday announcing a new socialist homeowner’s plan when she told a bald-faced lie.

Kamala Harris will tell a lie even when people who don’t pay attention know it is a complete fabrication. She’s claiming that Biden reduced “heating and electricity bills so people have more money in their pocket.”

In a way it’s true. Biden caused the bills to skyrocket and then got gas prices down off the extreme high, but with inflation, it’s still devastating for many Americans. My electrictiy and heating bills are double what they were under Donald Trump.

Biden is single-handedly increasing income inequality and purging the middle class.

It’s maddening as Biden pours money into Ukraine to pay off their corrupt bureaucrats. He’s now paying their pensions and welfare.

Not only that, all Ukrainian pensioners will get a 20% raise in March 2023. They don’t care how it looks because Americans are just taking it all lying down and they will still vote him back into office. There is no accountability for this regime.

“As early as this March,” says Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, “the government will index pensions by 20%” for about 10 million Ukrainians.

They’re swimming in our tax dollars.

Indexing the payments “is not mandatory according to the Law of Ukraine on the State Budget for 2023,” but super-generous President Zelensky has instructed them to increase the benefits anyway.

With that as background, Harris has the gall to lie to us.

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