In this clip, Kash Patel explains why we need a de-classification office if we intend to expose and end the extensive corruption in government bureaucracy, aka, deep state. The bureaucrats use classification to hide their sins and give them untold power.
“You need a 24/7 declassification office, whatever you want to call it. Transparency, truth, whatever, I don’t care.
“Sits in the White House. Reports [are sent] directly to you, and you take incoming from the United States of America. I want JFK, I want the 9/11 files, I want this, I want that. All the FBI and this is a tool.
“This is something we didn’t cover. What the deep state uses the most to cover up their corruption is an illegal application of the classification system.
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“Remember the lovebirds’ text from – this is a beauty – the lovebirds’ text from FBI DOJ land? Russiagate Strzok and Page were texting each other while they were running the Russiagate investigation against Trump. They were the head of the counterintelligence unit at the FBI, and they’re having an extramarital affair together. Can’t make this stuff up. They’re sending each other texts about how much they hate Trump and are going to create an insurance policy to stop Trump.
“Then we finally find those text messages. You know what the FBI DOJ [did] for like a year? Redact them to congressional investigators and congressional men and women running the oversight of their agency. That’s just one example.
“But it gets even better. Here’s the deep state full circle. Just last week, do you know what Strzokdeand Page received from the Department of Justice? A $1.5 million payout to settle a lawsuit that Strzok and Page brought for the improper disclosure of their personal text messages on FBI phones. And the DOJ just rewarded them!
“They broke the law; they broke the chain of command; they broke every regulation there is in the FBI. They weaponized the system of justice against a political target they hated.
“We found those text messages, and we got them declassified finally in full when I became Deputy Director of National Intelligence, and the world has now seen them, and they can read them.”
“And that’s the best form of transparency. That’s why I want this 24/7 declassification office. Don’t have me regurgitate to you. Read it. Get the documents; get the files; get the memos.
“But the deep state came full circle and gave these guys a payday for rigging a presidential election and breaking the law.
“So now you know what happens. That’s step one.
Step two, get America the truth, and that’s what that office would be for.