Katie Couric Belittles Millions of People from Her Manhattan Perch


Katie Couric was once the sweet, smiling young woman who greeted American suburban women in the morning. No longer. Now, Couric’s a snob who belittles Americans who disagree with her. She is also a disgraced reporter who falsified a documentary about pro-gun Americans. Couric recently described Republicans in the Make America Great Again movement as “anti-intellectualism full of bitter, jealous, bitter, resentful people.”

Couric is still clueless.

The Story

She made the remarks during a conversation with Bill Maher on his “Club Random” podcast, where she discussed Donald Trump and the origins of MAGA from his 2016 campaign.

Couric expressed concerns about socio-economic disparities, class resentment, anti-intellectualism, and elitism as driving forces behind many of the anti-establishment sentiments among Trump’s supporters. The remarks were in the context of the MAGA movement.

Nothing like stereotyping and ignoring all the communists in our midst who want to overthrow the Constitutional Republic. The “elite” need to tell lower and middle-class people how to live, what to think, and how to vote.

If you want to know about intellectualism, it has become warped in American colleges and universities. We don’t generalize to all professors, but far too many are preaching anti-American hate under the guise of anti-racism. They are also teaching equity, which to them means picking favorites and winners while canceling the rest.

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