Kennedys Publicly Shun Robert for the Unforgivable


The Kennedy family never disavows a Kennedy, but they are publicly disavowing Robert. What’s different about this? Let’s see, there has been a whole host of affairs, drug addicts and alcoholics, some suicides, potential rapists, and a possible murderer. They weren’t rejected.

Ted Kennedy was a shameless cad, an exploiter of women, an utter drunk, and once made a waitress sandwich. He left a woman at the bottom of a river to die, a crime for which he paid no price. There was a lot to that story people didn’t know about.

Ted, the Lion of the Senate, was all for windmills but not where he rode his sailboat.

Let’s not forget Ted wanted to work with the Russians to make sure that Ronald Reagan didn’t win the election.

He took his young nephew Willian Kennedy Smith out partying, who was later accused of raping a woman. He was acquitted after she was painted as insane.

Ethel’s nephew was accused, tried, convicted, and eventually freed in the brutal murder of Martha Moxley, then 15 years of age.

There were other incidents. No one was ever shunned, but Robert Kennedy Jr. was shunned yesterday. It seems that sticking up for the values of the Democrats of the 1960s was unforgivable. How can this be? Democrats are so tolerant.

They should rethink this. Robert could save the family’s legacy, and, in the least, he stands up for what he believes. After nearly four years of Hell, the Kennedys want us peasants to live through four more years of it.

Do yourself a favor, and don’t share, Kerry. It makes you look terrible.

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