Remember all those deserving, moving tributes offered to courageous doctors, nurses, and first responders who risked their lives to save the lives of suffering New Yorkers?
We hope you do because apparently Gov. Andrew Cuomo does not. On Tuesday he decreed, those blessed people would have to pay New York State taxes on wages they earned throughout their heroic stay in his state.
Cuomo declared, “We’re not in a position to provide any subsidies right now because we have a $13 billion deficit.”
“So there are a lot of good things I’d like to do……but it would be irresponsible for me to sit here looking at a $13 billion deficit and say I’m gonna spend more money…..”
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All he needs is more federal handouts, and for everyone to ignore his horrific pre-pandemic fiscal mismanagement that, fueled by a huge increase in its Medicaid Program, had New York in a $6 billion hole. Oh, and never mind he had no worries about subsidizing an utterly corrupt solar project and tuition for illegal immigrants.
PIX11 reported, that even though the state government asked thousands of people to come to New York to help fight COVID 19 if they work there for more than 14 days they’ll. “…. have to pay New York state taxes, even on income they might make from their home states….paid while in New York”. The latter mentioned travesty means that volunteers remaining on the payroll of generous employers back home will have those wages taxed by Cuomo as well!!
But wait! There’s more!
It seems once you get caught up and start filing you will be locked into the NYS “bureaucracy, and the paperwork” for an extended period of time. A New York City certified public accountant pretty much verified that fear saying entities from “these other states will have to register in New York and do withholding here….”.
Good luck explaining all this to the family of paramedic Paul Cary. The 66-year-old Colorado native “dropped everything when he received a call to work for as part of Ambulnz’s State of New York COVID Response Team.”
On April 30th, the father of 2 and grandfather of 4, lost his fight with the virus. There’s no specific info as to how many days over the 14 Paul Cary had spent fighting for the lives of strangers. But we do know he’d signed up for “a second 30-day deployment”.
Maybe some brave reporter will ask King Andrew the Ingrate if exempting the Cary family from his onerous tax would be OK. And then ask, in dollars and cents, exactly how much money he’s saving by collecting double taxes on selfless, fearless out-of-towners who answered his desperate cry for help.
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